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   Product Summary

Advanced analytical tools

Source goods strategically

Glossary of terms

Learn how PurchaseSmart can be your end-to-end solution.  

Gain control over your procurement process
PurchaseSoft has designed solutions that let you gain control over your business's procurement process - from requisition to receiving. From day one, you'll be able to consolidate orders, negotiate better prices, manage inventory more effectively, track assets and more, in real time.

The total solution
Based on Java and HTML technologies, our patented PurchaseSmart™ software application acts as the back-end system that automates all core activities in the procurement process:

Negotiating with suppliers
Receiving and invoice matching
Inventory management
Asset tracking
Analytical tools for all procurement steps

PurchaseSmart also includes an HTML-based front-end interface that your employees can use for basic purchasing functionality, and another HTML interface for dynamic interactions between buyers and their suppliers.

Achieve rapid ROI
PurchaseSoft will help your businesses achieve rapid ROI by providing two primary levels of savings.

  1. You will reduce processing costs by streamlining your business processes.
  2. You will manage supplier relationships more efficiently and leverage your spending to negotiate better contracts.

Your best procurement system value
Because we deliver a total solution, we also deliver the best value. PurchaseSmart will not only garner gains for your company by streamlining your business processes, but by aggressively enhancing your strategic sourcing capabilities. As John Holohan, CIO of Toys "R" Us, states,

"PurchaseSoft's fully integrated procurement system will give Toys "R" Us real-time reporting and strategic insight into supplier performance, purchasing trends, supplier quotes, inventory levels and acquisition costs [and] will enable us to manage sourcing more efficiently and effectively."

There is no easier, more effective way to produce substantial, quantifiable and ongoing savings for your company.

A cornerstone for strategic sourcing
Most procurement systems lack the flexibility or analytic capabilities to provide the meaningful and detailed information procurement managers need to source goods strategically. Customizable PurchaseSmart analytical tools let you choose the criteria for assessing buyer or supplier performance and activities, ensuring they are consistent with your company's business practices and goals. In addition, you can view analytical data in real time, as opposed to viewing reports generated from data that is weeks--or even months--old.

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